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How to keep your family busy on a rainy day

Planning a fun time for your family but the weather intervened? The rain outside the window is not a hindrance to fun! At home, you can also come up with interesting activities for the whole family. After all, the main thing is that relatives and loved ones are nearby. And bad weather is just another reason to be together.


Time for family albums

Under the cosy rustle of rain outside the window, it is so nice to flip through family photos. Agree, we do not often take out photo albums from the shelf, but they are a whole storehouse of warm memories. So sit back on the couch, open the album, and re-immerse yourself in your family’s memorable moments. Together with the whole family, find pictures of grandparents from their youth, ask them to share their memories. Consider your old photos as well – your children will certainly be interested to see you in childhood and adolescence. And of course, show the children their own photographs taken in the first months and years of life – and they will be curious, and you and your husband will again remember the feeling of joy from the appearance of a new man in the family. 


A rainy day is a perfect time to play board games with your family. Chess and checkers, monopoly, “walkers” with chips and dice, even tic-tac-toe – all these options go with a bang when the whole family is together. 

A very simple but fun game for the whole family – forfeits. The main thing is to guess tasks that will be fun and interesting for children: you can choose singing, dancing, somersaults and squats, meows and crows, drawing elephants and other fictional creatures. Kids love to fool around! And even more so they will love to watch the dancing or tumbling parents!


In short, play! The main thing is to help children in difficult moments and rejoice in their victories together.


If it’s cold and rainy outside, it’s time to cook something tasty together and warm up with hot tea. For example, bake cottage cheese cookies with the whole family. The recipe is simple:

1.290g loose cottage cheese “House in the village” 9%

2.180g butter “House in the village” 72.5%

3.1 tsp soda

4. 0.5 tsp citric acid

5. 150g sugar

6. 300g flour

Chop the butter with a knife, mix with cottage cheese and sugar. Dissolve the citric acid in the water, quench soda in it. Add the quenched baking soda to the curd. Stir flour into curd gradually. Knead the hard dough.

And then the most interesting part. Sprinkle flour on the table, roll out the cake and give the children the cookie cutters. Cutting circles, diamonds and figures from dough is an incredibly interesting activity for young cooks. You just have to fold the cut cookies on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. While the cookies are baking – warm up the kettle, put your favourite cups, a saw with jam, honey on the table. Sit down at the table with the whole family and enjoy a tea party with homemade cookies, while the sound of the rain is cosy.


Think about which books were your favourite as a child. Look on the shelves for the treasured volume that you enthusiastically read yourself or listened to in the performance of your parents, and read to the children aloud! There is nothing better than crawling under a soft blanket with the kids and plunge into the story that conquered you as a child. You can share your book discoveries with older children, and they will undoubtedly enjoy the time spent reading a fascinating book.

Be creative

Rainy weather is a great inspiration for creativity. Use this and create together! How long have you and your husband been moulding from plasticine? In labour lessons at school? It’s time to fix it – and do it with the whole family! Take out plasticine or knead the salt dough for moulding – and with your children create animals and fairy-tale characters, houses and spaceships, planets and entire galaxies.

There is nothing to sculpt from? No problem! Draw! You can do it as standard – with pencils, pens and felt-tip pens in the album. Or you can get paint, rummage around in search of a roll of unnecessary wallpaper – and draw all together with large posters, creating on them, for example, your family fairy tale. Draw with the children, show how you can draw with your fingers or stencils beautiful flowers or snowflakes. 

Time for a fashion show!

Great fun for a rainy day – arrange a fashion show and try on dozens of outfits with your children, coming up with unusual looks. And do not think that this activity is only for girls. And the boys will be interested if they come up with, for example, a super-hero costume, with a cloak behind their back and a mask. Having selected various images, you can arrange a real fashion show with music and even play a performance.

And do not forget: whatever the weather outside the window, the most important thing is warmth and comfort, as well as the joy of the time spent with your beloved family. Have a good mood!

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